For the past few month’s I’ve been using the wonderful Gumby Framework by Digital Surgeons. One thing that didn’t come out of the box was a way to raise a specific tab when visiting a page.
I recently purchased a new car that has the ability to stream music over bluetooth or via USB. After tiring of handling the sometimes buggy bluetooth connection, I threw about 700 songs on a USB stick and left it plugged into the car. Now, if I’m too lazy to futz with a bluetooth connection I still have a subset of my music available for instant play.
My good friend just shared a quick and easy way to keep git out of cache folders while still allowing the bare folder to be added to the repo.
While working on a recent web project with a fine-grained grid, I found the need to easily see the sizes of my block level elements. After trying a few techniques I settled on the following code.
I’ve noticed myself wrestling a bit with code indentation and specifically how it relates to content that is included from “embeds” or “partials”. I hate seeing rendered code indentation all over the place.